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Soon, you'll have the capability to monitor your home security camera straight from a Galaxy Watch.

Despite its incomplete deployment, you're currently bound to utilizing the phone for your needs.

Soon, you'll have the capability to monitor your home security camera straight from a Galaxy Watch.

Samsung is set to release an enhancement for SmartThings, enabling users to preview security camera feeds directly on their Galaxy Watch. This upgrade will be applicable to various models such as the Galaxy Watch 4, Watch 4 Classic, Watch 5, and Watch 5 Pro.

The upgrade promises to enhance camera monitoring's ease, yet it's only effective if you're utilizing the SmartThings app to manage your smart home, and if you own either Nest devices from Google or Ring cameras from Amazon. The communication reveals the potential to "swipe right" from the primary watch screen to access the SmartThings shortcuts. Regrettably, following the update of my SmartThings app on the Galaxy Watch 4 to version 1.1.08, I wasn't able to display the camera preview with my connected wired Nest doorbell camera. Instead, the app continues to guide me to examine the streaming preview on my phone.

Samsung attributes the functionality to WebRTC, the streaming protocol. Furthermore, if you employ either platform for a doorbell camera, you can also communicate with visitors via your watch. WebRTC is also incorporated into Android's Nearby Share file-sharing protocol and Google's now-defunct Stadia service within their respective frameworks.

Beyond the streaming-to-smartwatch functionality, additional updates are scheduled for Samsung SmartThings. The software upgrade intends to enlarge the list of devices you can manage from the watch, incorporating air purifiers, thermostats, and blinds. Moreover, if you have connected air conditioning, lights, speakers, or a Samsung TV, you'll also have the option to manage those through the Galaxy Watch.

Despite operating within the same Android ecosystem, Samsung and Google frequently collaborate to operate independently. Samsung's SmartThings, however, offers all the same smart home integrations as the Google Home app, and even more if you're already a Samsung device user. It's possible that you might even prefer the SmartThings supplements or interface over Google Home, which is still undergoing a UI overhaul in beta phase.

The use of WebRTC technology in Samsung's SmartThings enhancement allows for seamless communication with visitors via your smartwatch if you have a compatible doorbell camera. Looking to the future, Samsung plans to expand the range of devices manageable from the Galaxy Watch, including air purifiers, thermostats, and blinds.

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