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iOS 13 Introduces NFC ID Scanning Capability in Certain Regions

Apple-implemented NFC capabilities in iPhones as early as the iPhone 6, primarily for facilitating Apple Pay transactions. However, with the introduction of iOS 13, Apple broadened NFC's functionality.

iOS 13 Introduces NFC ID Scanning Capability in Certain Regions

iPhones have been packing NFC chips since the iPhone 6, initially limiting its uses to Apple Pay transactions. However, Apple is broadening the scope of NFC functionality starting from iOS 13. Some countries like Japan and Germany are already considering enabling citizens to scan their national ID cards onto their iPhones, making digital IDs a viable alternative to physical cards for official purposes such as filing taxes or medical forms.

Recent reports suggest that Japan is planning to allow iPhone users to digitize their Japanese ID cards using NFC, mimicking a feature already available on Android phones in the country. Similarly, Germany is reportedly preparing to launch an updated version of its AusweissApp2 for iOS 13, enabling users to scan their government-issued IDs using their iPhones.

While Apple's move to allow NFC ID scanning might seem like a belated adaptation to Android's long-standing abilities, it's heartening to see Apple no longer holding back on NFC capabilities for Apple Pay alone. Expanded ID scanning support on both major mobile platforms could potentially save countries from situations like the one encountered in the UK earlier this year, where EU citizens seeking "settled status" in post-Brexit Britain were left to resort to Android devices due to a non-existent iOS/iPhone equivalent.

However, precise timelines for the rollout of these expanded ID scanning programs in Japan and Germany remain unannounced. With iOS 13 scheduled for an official release later this fall, updates related to these services could be expected shortly thereafter.

The future of tech and identification is shifting, as Apple plans to leverage NFC technology beyond Apple Pay. Japan is considering enabling citizens to digitize their ID cards on iPhones, making digital IDs a viable alternative for official purposes. Similarly, Germany is preparing to update its AusweissApp2, enabling iOS 13 users to scan their government-issued IDs. Apple's embrace of expanded NFC capabilities could prevent situations like the one in the UK, where EU citizens relied on Android devices for Brexit-related paperwork.

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